About me
Susie28 y/othey/them or she/herBritishdating dori rune factories (they got cranky at not being mentioned here ❤️)please tw for images/descriptions of irl animal harm and for grandparent death日本語を勉強して、頑張ってる!
danmei + adaptations (TGCF, MDZS, FGEP, The Untamed, Word of Honor, etc)sports animanga (Yowamushi Pedal, Daiya no Ace, Haikyuu, Chihayafuru, a lot of others lmao)idol mobage (ProSekai, Love Live, enstars)Genshin ImpactJpop/Jrock and DD idolsThe Locked Tomb seriesDigimonAce AttorneyZero Escape and AI: The Somnium FilespoetryCinnamoroll

*ChocoLate Bomb! (Yujimaru oshi)MeseMoa. (Nibansenji oshi, Punchan is a v close second)Panda Dragon (Taiga oshi)DD Babies (YopiKodu, Kaori, Kenty, Tettan)Beardoado (Tsubaki oshi)